How to stop recurring/Automatic PayPal Payments


Please note here that legionhoster doesn't charge you, it is your PayPal that sends us the funds based on the subscription you have with us. It is like automated scheduled payments to us. You can also stop those if you don't want it to be automated. The steps are mentioned further.

1.Go to and log in to your account.
2.Click ‘Profile’ near the top of the page.
3.Select ‘My money'
4.In the ‘My pre-approved payments’ section, click ‘Update'.
5.Select the merchant whose agreement you want to cancel and click ‘Cancel’.
6.Click ‘Cancel Profile’ to confirm your request

Still, confused? Feel free to contact us.

Please refer to our Refund Policy:


Legionhoster Inc.

  • Double charge, Automatic Payments, PayPal, recurring, automatic, charge, overcharge, charged, paypal
  • 1 Пользователи нашли это полезным
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